There are some social medias launched by factories apart from Whatsapp, Line and Wechat, like iMessage from Apple, Android Messages from Google. Recently, Google is cooperating with Samsung to develop an advanced messaging system in order to popularize the media platform. The advanced messaging service would allow users to engage in group chats and video calls and transfer large files without the need for additional apps.
Android Messages and Samsung Messages could be interflowed through Rich Communication Services (RCS), which is the latest SMS technology that combining the best of Facebook Messager, iMessage and Whatsapp into one platform, is the protocol that will replace SMS. Since Rich Communication Services is using network to send messages, there are more functions such as “Typing” notification.
At present, there are a few telecommunications suppliers are supporting, Sprint and T-Mobile in the US and Rogers in Canada. And the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S9 series will be the first to be updated. Rich Communication Services (RCS) would be more common in the market once the cooperation of Google and Samsung works out and let more factories join in.
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