Alipay HK is not equal to Alipay China

Have you ever tried to use Alipay HK in the place out of Hong Kong? Congratulations If you have not tried because it would be quite embarrassed. Alipay is established by China but you cannot use Alipay HK in China since there are two separate systems. Alipay HK is an independent local company just for Hong Kong, which is tailor made to meet

Hong Kong style. All the promotions and method of applications are different from Alipay China, like authentication method and QR code.


When you apply an account in Alipay China, you have to provide quite a lot of personal information like ID card and bank account number or visa card number but Alipay HK only request your phone number during application, ID card and bank account information are not compulsory.


When you purchase and pay in Alipay HK, you would be asked to show your QR code, Users may worry about QR code security, like what if the buyer take a shot of that QR code, then the buyer abuse that QR code. But actually, when the screen is still for a while, the QR code will be updated automatically once, the QR code is no longer as same as last time you use it, which means each QR code can be used once only.